Kia ora Koutou
I cannot believe we are racing through term 4 as fast as we are. So much has been happening and is happening at the school and it is a good time to touch base with you as we head into the examination period and last weeks for Juniors.
First, a huge thank you to all parents, caregivers and Whānau for the enormous support you have given our kura and ākonga. Your support of sport, cultural activities and music and arts has meant that our young people could get involved at all levels. Thank you to those parents who sit on our board of trustees, our whānau collective and our Pasifika aiga goup. Thank you to those of you who email, ring or communicate with me at the sidelines. I always want your feedback as it helps us to create the best outcomes for your young person at the school.
We have had a lot of celebrations at Avonside these past 3 weeks and I hope that you have seen these posted on facebook for you. Both individual heights of excellence in sport and arts, culture and service as well as the end of year fun for Year 13 and the semi formal for Year 12. Congratulations to all the students who have received awards.
Senior students now head into examinations. We expect them all to attend their examinations (even if they have 60 credits) as achievement in exams stands on their record of achievement which universities and employers hold in high regard. We also expect them to as showing kia maia (courage) and turning up to give things a go is what we want our students to be able to do in life. Please ensure that your young person has read and keeps hold of their examination sheet given out at the last assemblies. They must make sure that they have laptops and chargers for any exam with a (D) next to it and that they have the correct time for the exam. All belongings must be in a clear plastic bag. Examinations take place in both the large theatre and the English and Social Sciences block and so it is important for your young person to be half an hour early to the exam to find her place.
Our Junior students have lessons as usual and are expected to be at school on time, in correct uniform, in class, following instructions and ready to learn. Over the next few weeks we will be working as a staff to get these small basics right as then we can focus on the learning. In the last two weeks of term the Juniors have an exciting end of year programme in which they will be having focused activities in each learning area as well as careers and physical activities.
Please note the information in the article attached – On the 7th Nov and the 12th Nov we have learning from home days for Juniors as we have a large number of special assessment exams and need all the spaces available in our open plan areas. Staff will ensure that all juniors have work to be doing online or on paper. On the 14th Nov it is a MOE teacher accord day and so there are no Juniors on site. Canterbury anniversary day then falls on the 15th.
SCHOOL BUSES for seniors: please note that there will be school buses on the 7th and 12th November to get to exams. However on the 14th November there will not be school buses running. Your student will need to make arrangements to get to their exam and home.
HEALTH Consultation: Our HPE department will be sending out our biennial consultation for caregivers as to what you would like to see in our Health curriculum. It is really important that you complete the consultation as it informs our next 2 years of teaching.
Thank you for all your support
Ngā mihi nui