About our school
Our school has a long and proud history in our city. It was established over 90 years ago. The school has a broad and innovative curriculum, high academic standards, high quality pastoral care and a wide, interesting range of co-curricular activities. Our highly qualified and experienced staff encourage girls to excel in a positive and focused learning environment.
Our ability to be able to continue this tradition, after the disruption of the February 2011 earthquake, in our new buildings has been enhanced by the modern facilities. Two large theatre spaces, two gymnasiums and state of the art technology are some of these enhancements. We have an exciting future in a newly built facility on a new campus which opened in Term 2, 2019.
Our Place- Ōrua Paeroa site
In 2019 Avonside Girls’ High School moved to their modern new campus on Travis Road. As a school moving onto this site we acknowledge Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri the mana whenua of the area.
Ko Maungatere te Maunga
Our mountain, Maungatere (Mount Grey) stands above us;
Ko Waimakariri, ko Rakahuri ngā Awa
Our rivers – the Waimakariri and Rakahuri (the Ashley) – flow below;
Ko Tūāhuriri te Tangata
Tūāhuriri is our ancestor
The move to Ōrua Paeroa provided an exciting opportunity for partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu to influence design and provide cultural input that thread the history and storying of the mana whenua into the fabric of the school. We asked ‘What is this place and what happened in this place’ with regard to the journeying and settlement of mana whenua. The design of our Whare entrance, reception area, front of school, internal quads and cultural art etched into the glass walls all tautoko the narrative of the whenua on which the school stands. On the campus, Avonside Girls’ High School and Shirley Boys’ High School operate side by side, along with a satellite class from Ferndale School, all working independently within their own school space but also having the opportunity to use key facilities that are shared.
Our school has flexible teaching spaces and specialist facilities which are organised according to learning areas to enable innovative teaching and learning, and all learning areas have state of the art digital technology for learning. Learning spaces are organised around a large attractive interior courtyard, or open to the external courtyards so student learning can flow outdoors.
State of the art theatres, gymnasiums, hockey turf and fields mean that our shared performance and sporting facilities provide a wonderful environment for both curriculum and extra-curricular activities. A large library, kitchen and café are also shared spaces and allow for some collaboration.
Have a look at our Virtual Tour to see around our school and click on our Google map to see the spaces.
Information on routes
For information on routes and times of all of our school buses, please click the link:
Our Library
The library is for all students to enjoy, using the extensive collection and the wonderful space. The meaning of Mᾱpuna is precious, valuable, prized.Our library is open Monday – Friday between 8am-4pm in term time only. Contact our Library staff on 03 3897199 ext 701
or email:
Wendy Wright, our Library Manager
Imogen Loakman, our Assistant Librarian
Louise Reichwein, our Assistant Librarian
The layout of our campus
Click here for a map of our school.
We have a Cafe on site catered by Ris’tretto Espresso with a lot of different food and drinks on offer.
The Cafe will be open from 8:30am Monday – Friday.
Their website: