Real-Time Reporting

Avonside Girls’ High School does ‘Live’ or ‘Real Time’ reporting through the Parent Portal as our primary means of reporting on academic progress.

The rationale for this is that ‘Live’ reporting gives whānau and parents immediate feedback on how students are achieving in their subjects. Teachers will write comments based on the assessments students complete throughout the year. These comments will include ‘next steps, so whānau have a clearer understanding of how to support their daughters’ academic progress.

The reports will be available in the Parent Portal under the Current Year Results Tab. Comments will be brief and provide specific feedback linked to Achievement Standards for senior students or curriculum learning for students in years nine and ten. Please be aware that the comments might be more informal than traditional reports.

There will be no set time that these reports will be available to parents. Each learning area will decide when it is most timely to update parents on progress, however, you can expect to have an update from each teacher, in each subject, once per term.

Avonside Girls’ High School will send out reminders each term to check the Parent Portal. Parents without internet access are welcome to come into the school and access the reports through a computer in our school library. Parents are also welcome to contact Kaitiaki and they will be able to collate, print and post the report comments to parents.

There will also be opportunities to meet subject teachers face to face.  There is a learner hui in term one. This hui lets parents and students meet with Ako teachers for an extended interview. In term two parents are able to meet subject teachers in reporting evenings. 

In addition to the Live Reports, we have introduced Attitude Reports which will be completed by each subject teacher twice a term. These reports will focus on your daughter’s preparedness and engagement with learning. The descriptors will be:

  •     Follows adult instructions
  •     Comes prepared and on time for learning
  •     Positive interactions with others

The descriptors would be

  •     Consistently
  •     Usually
  •     Sometimes
  •     Rarely

 We will contact whānau when these reports are available on the portal. 

Any questions or concerns please contact Karen Powell