At Avonside Girls’ High School emphasis is placed on giving students as much opportunity to develop their leadership skills as possible. Opportunities exist at all levels for students to take a formal leadership role. Our main structure for leadership is through our council system. Councils involve junior and senior students and give students a chance to contribute to the life of the school.
Some of the opportunities for the development of leadership skills are:
- Student Executive – Senior student leaders led by the Head Girl meet regularly to discuss and plan events to contribute to the life of the school
- Pou Leaders – Pou leaders lead their pou or house to create a family within the school and compete at school events.
- School Council –Ako Class and Pou representatives attend regular meetings to discuss issues which are important to students.
- Arts Council – Students who organise and promote arts activities in the school
- Environment Council – Students who are passionate about our school environment and wider environmental issues
- Social Council – Year 13 students who organise the school formal and other social events for all students throughout the year.
- Sports Council – Committed athletes who organise and support numerous sporting and fun activities throughout the school year
- Wellbeing Council – Students who are passionate about educating our student population about mental and physical wellbeing
- Mana Kotiro – Students committed to raising the academic success and visibility of Maori within our school.
- Pasifika Council – Passionate Pasifika students raising the profile of Pasifika in our school
- International Council – A council of students committed to supporting our International students and embedding inclusiveness at Avonside Girls’ High School
- Teaching and Learning – A group of akonga who focus on supporting teaching and learning within the school.
- Technical Council – Students who assist with school wide events and activities that require technical support.
Students at Avonside are encouraged to contribute to the school community. There are many opportunities for service around the school. They include, but are not limited to:
- Librarians – Student librarians help out in the library during lunchtimes and organise book clubs, book week, and other fun activities based in the library
- SADD – Students Against Driving Drunk
- Zonta Club – A community support group which is part of the regional and national Zonta organisation committed to service in the community
- Breakfast Club – students organise and lead this daily event providing breakfast for any student in our school.
- Board of Trustee’s Representative: One student serves as the voice of the students on the school Board of Trustees.