Kia ora, welcome to our International page.
Established in 1928, Avonside Girls’ High School (AGHS) is known for its warm, caring and welcoming atmosphere and strong academic record.
The school is just 20 minutes from the city centre and shopping malls. There is a good bus system in the city and buses come to and from the school each day. The Christchurch International Airport is about 30 minutes from the school.
From April 20, 2019 we have been co-located side by side with Shirley Boys’ High School on a custom built new campus. We both remain dedicated single sex schools with expertise in educating girls only and boys only but with opportunities for co-ed activities.
With a roll of 1000 girls, Avonside Girls’ High School is a culturally diverse community. There is provision for 40 international students from Years 9 to 13. A smaller number of students allows them to have a personalised programme and to be integrated quickly into the school community. These students come from Europe and all parts of Asia.
International students are an important part of our school. We welcome new students with friendliness as we value the richness and diversity they bring to our school community.

Meet our International Support Staff
Student welfare is important at Avonside Girls’ High School. The International Student Director and Homestay coordinator are available at all times to assist students, families and agents.

Louise Silvester
Director of International Students
P: +64 3 389 7199 Ext 729
M: +64 27 220 9884

Lisa Garrett
P: +64 3 389 7199 Ext 729
M: +64 27 285 7254