School Shop with MyKindo!
Working together with Kindo, our School offers you a simple and quick way to view and pay for school items, register for sports, purchase event tickets and complete registration and permission forms.
Te Kura Kōhine o Ōtākaro
Educating and empowering young women to achieve now and in the future.
Ko Hine-Titama koe nana i puta ki te whai ao ki te ao marama
Avonside Girls’ High School School vision and motto – ‘summa sequere’ Aim High – seek to attain the best
Avonside has a long and proud history, and this continues to underpin our future focus. Established over 90 years ago, our school’s vision is to educate and empower all our Rangatahi to achieve excellence and to be leaders of the future. We have outstanding new facilities and technology that supports modern teaching of an innovative and future-focused curriculum as well as sport and cultural opportunities that enrich school life for students. Our highly qualified and experienced staff encourage students to excel in a positive, values driven, environment.
Co-located site, sharing the Orua Paeroa campus with partner school, Shirley Boys’ High School.
Following the devastation of the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes, Avonside Girls’ High School has been rebuilt on a new co-located site, sharing the Orua Paeroa campus with partner school, Shirley Boys’ High School, with each school retaining its unique culture, identity and teaching spaces but sharing some key facilities. Just one year into operation, the schools’ facilities are the envy of many and staff and students alike enjoy the opportunities the new campus offers.