Career Planning is a life long process, but while you are a student at Avonside you will take important steps along the way.

Careers Education at Avonside Girls’ High School

At Avonside Girls’ High School, career education and guidance play an essential role and it is delivered within a student centred curriculum that supports our girls’ strengths, interests and aspirations. Students are empowered to make informed decisions about their subject choices and future pathways.

The schoolwide career development programme is led by a specialist Careers Adviser and the Careers Department. The team consists of Natalie Guinness (Head of Careers Education), Rachel Best (Gateway Coordinator) and Leanne Kime (Careers Assistant & STAR Co-ordinator) who work together to meet the needs of every student, including her family and whanau.

View our CareerWise Website

Throughout the year students can expect:

  • individual career interviews for all year 12 and 13 students
  • guidance for career pathway planning and decision-making
  • information about career options, training providers and tertiary institutions, and available courses
  • online information and career tools, such as “Career Central”
  • Secondary Tertiary Pathway (STP) dual enrolment options for students who are looking to  transition to further education, training or work.
  • work experience placements through the Gateway programme (where appropriate)
  • STAR and short “taster” courses available throughout the year
  • digital notice boards and social media posts providing up to date careers information and key diary dates
  • assistance with CV preparation and job applications
  • Job & course interview preparation

Careers Department Contact

Students and whanau are welcome to contact the Careers Team for an appointment to discuss future pathways:

Head of Careers Robyn Armstrong

Gateway Coordinator Nina Campbell

STAR Coordinator Ms Leanne Kime 0211265980