August 10, 2023
2023 AGHS HERstory Competition now open
HERSTORY is an annual competition run for current students of Avonside Girls High School (AGHS). Students are encouraged to research or interview a past pupil and write a story or poem about the past pupil. It is hoped that the story or poem will include some observation of the past pupil’s time at high school and whether they believe their time at AGHS had an impact on their life.
Writing about relatives or legacy families is encouraged. Lists of past pupils can be found in the archived year books located in AGHS library. The use of photographs or illustrations, quotable comments is encouraged.
Content: It is expected that most entries will be approximately 250 words
Categories: Categories may include broad categories such as Professional career, Politics, Sport, Activity, Volunteering, Te Wai Pounamu, Whanau. Subgroups may include Arts, Entertainment, Environment campaigner Fame and fortune, Travel and adventure, Business, Inventor, First in family, Role model, Special talent, A life of caring, Unsung heroine, Interesting life, Resilience, Friendship, Change agent, Prankster, First day at school, Tales about an AGHS legacy family, etc
Judging will include structure, grammar and story-telling skills.
Originality (To avoid duplication marks will be deducted for repeat prizewinning stories about the same person)
First prize – $100
Highly commended – $50 awarded to each of 4 students
Email entries to aghsherstory@gmail.com Closing date 30 September 2023
All stories/copyright will be held by the sponsors AGHS Past Pupils Association (AGHS PP). Prizewinning and other stories may be published on AGHS website or elsewhere.