Term 3 Seminars @ Ōrua Paeroa
July 18, 2023
This term we are offering 3 parent/whānau seminars alongside Shirley Boys’ High School. Everyone is welcome, whether in our kura or not. Join us and be part of our inclusive community. We look forward to seeing you there!
Decoding The Puzzle: Understanding Youth Substance Use
7.00pm, Thursday 27 July
This presentation will delve into the underlying factors that drive young people to experiment with alcohol, drugs, vaping and smoking. You’ll learn how to recognise the subtle signs that indicate your child may be engaging in these behaviours, and gain practical strategies to effectively address the issue if you determine that they are.
Presenter: Sue Bagshaw
Digital Parenting 2.0: Navigating The Modern Tech Landscape
7.00pm, Wednesday 16 August
Worried about your kid’s phone usage and what content they are consuming? This presentation will discuss the latest research around screen use and take a look at the social media platforms popular among youth. Learn strategies to foster healthy relationships with technology, promote responsible digital citizenship, and establish open lines of communication with your kids. You’ll come away with practical insights, tips, and resources to better understand and navigate the digital world your children inhabit.
Presenter: Sharon Gardner
Unlocking Communication: Navigating Tough Talks With Your Teen
7.00pm, Thursday 21 September
Navigating sensitive topics such as consent, drugs, vaping, mental health etc can be difficult for parents and kids alike. This presentation will explore why it’s important to face this challenge and have these conversations. It will also identify ways to make having these conversations more manageable. While not easy, if we practice, persevere and back ourselves, it not only builds connection with our kids, it also helps set them up to have tough conversations themselves – a very important life skill indeed.
Presenter: Catherine Gallagher